Wednesday, July 2, 2014

One Door Closes, Another Opens

Well Folks, we all know how we feel. I won't dwell on what happened in the game yesterday because I am sure we have all taken our time to come to terms with it, and it's time to start healing.

What I will focus on is how wonderful this World Cup has been, and let us not forget, it ain't over!!
It has been a tournament filled with a lot of magic, just ask your boss who all of a sudden feels the need to let everyone know his wife is Columbian. And it's been a nightmare, that's right, ask Ivan three cubicles down who just got off the phone with his mother back home in Spain.

You didn't know there's dinosaurs in Brazil? Whatever.

But forget the other nations for a minute, what was your moment? Was it sitting next to your boy when Dempsy stomached the ball from Zusi to put Gahna away? Was it watching your sister gasp when Ronaldo made his picturesque cross knowing she thinks he's dreamy? Or was it like me, simple, gathering with my friends Will and Carol (who is columbian by the way), sharing a moment that cheered me up because life in some ways has been a little tough. That's right, sport is not all ruggedness, it is rooted in emotion, passion and is often healing.

At this moment, there is one man who showed the ultimate passion and emotion, and I hope somewhere he is healing.

I'll tell you, it wasn't the amazing performance that has looped again and again on SportsCenter that moves me, because it is what we have come to know about Tim Howard, he is one of the greatest. It was his post interview, where he showed his true polarizing power.

Obviously in tears and choking back the pain, he was asked about the constant onslaught of the Belgium offense.

"It's my job, it's what I signed up to do, so it's part of it." 


But soon after, when he took a deep shortened breath to keep himself from cracking, he said, "it hurts". At that moment we all felt his pain, and saw another side, the man. Because the reality is that  a man with his talent, with the type of performance he had, deserves to shine with the best. And unfortunately, the best do not concede defeat in the round of 16. However, the lesson for us all, and especially our kids, is how we deal with such adversity.  We deal like Timmy, accept our defeat, and we sign up for another round.

"The future is bright...this was the best time of my life... we have nothing to be ashamed of."

-Tim Howard on SportsCenter this morning.

Most saves by a goal keeper in the World Cup in the last 50 years, a world record... 
I believe, I believe in Tim.

So the door has closed, and it would be un-American if we didn't look to open a new one. So my part is to continue to create awareness as we develop this new venture of a PremierYouth Futsal League in Southern California. I know you felt it this World Cup, there is something different, something exciting. The sport we love is finally finding its legs as evidenced in our communities across the nation.

So now we must take action, providing our youth with the right opportunities to grow and compete with the rest of the world and ultimately become THE soccer nation. Am I crazy? It sounds like a lot of fun... You, me and most importantly, our kids. 


P.S. Thank you to all of you around the world for taking interest in this blog, it truly means a lot that you would take the time from your day to have a conversation with me. Love you Indonesia!

Nick Martinez


  1. Thank you for your kind words Carol, I apologize for the miss-spelling of Colombian. In Return, I will miss-spell my name as Nike Martinez in my next post.
