Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ready to Sink My Teeth Into This! Sorry Suarez, No Pun Intended.

The Bite Heard 'Round The World!!

And a walk down the Hall of Fang... sorry, couldn't resist.

Now that we're hungry, I want to sink our teeth deeper into the understanding of Futsal. What is it? I asked in our last post,  not attempting to be snide, but to shed light on how little is truly known of  such an important sport. 

Simply put, Futsal is Futball, or Soccer for the unassuming american, fielding only 5 a side.  
More Importantly, it is the official UEFA and FIFA version of 5 v 5. That's right homies, Globe Cred.

Seriously though, this is Futball in its purest form, no additives, no preservatives. It is the essential precursor to the outdoor game of Soccer. Touch, Passing, Vision, Speed, Striking, the sport of Futsal is widely viewed as the ideal skill building environment for producing technically excellent Futball players.

Ever heard of this guy? 

Me neither, lets move on.

As the only internationally recognized small sided Futball game, "Futsal" comes from the Portugese phrase "futebol de salao" or the Spanish "futbol de sala" which basically means indoor Futball. The game originated in the 1930's and is attributed to the natural skills and playing style associated with Brazilian Futball specifically. To put the age of this game in perspective, lets look at what else was going on during the birth of this fabulous sport:

1. The Great Depression... not so fabulous, sorry for the downer.

So we're clear, this is a sport in its own right, enriching the outdoor game, but an event in and of itself. Futsal is played professionally in countries throughout the world and the Futsal players are revered just as much as the outdoor players you are watching in the World Cup.

Know this guy?

I do, Falcao

You can draw direct lines from Futsal playing countries to the world Futball giants ranked highest in the world such as Brazil, Spain and Argentina. Unfortunately, the global understanding is that the United States is behind when it comes to developing its Futball talent. Therefore, it is imperative that we introduce the benefits of Futsal to our youth so we too can develop the quality and spirit that is favored at the highest level of "The Beautiful Game". 

What else should we introduce? Good sportsmanship perhaps? 

In that vein, let us turn this message over to the man of the hour, Mr Luis Suarez!!! (Applause)

"I Vont To Suck Ala"

You'll get it in future posts, hang in there.

Nick Martinez

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